Hi, we’re Fabrication Publication (FabPub.net for short), a website run by Overclocked (FTC Team 22059). On this website, we look at various FIRST Tech Challenge teams and their robots, with the goal of interviewing as many teams as we can, and shedding light on them for teams who may not know about their robots. This website is currently (Sept. 29, 2024) run by:
Zach: Zach is 17 years old, currently in his 7th year of FIRST and his 6th in FIRST Tech Challenge. He mainly focuses on programming in the team, but also likes outreach. He came up with the idea of Fabrication Publication after his past in teams that didn’t have the know-how of some more experienced teams, and was inspired by magazines like the (now-defunct) Maximum PC, and how they showed off builds. Zach established this website with the goal of showing off other technologies and strategies from many teams.
Lucas: Lucas is 15 years old, and he is in his third year of FIRST Tech Challenge. He joined Fabrication Publication to connect teams and to make it easier for teams to share tips and advice. He focuses on marketing and outreach on his team.
Malone: Malone is 15 years old, and is currently in his 2nd year of FIRST Tech Challenge. He joined Fabrication Publication to help attempt to prevent younger teams from preventing mistakes that could be avoided with the guidance of older team. On his team he focuses on marketing, outreach, driving, and a bit of building
If you’re looking to contact us, please refer to the contact us page.